AOE News

American Organic Energy to Receive Energy Leadership Award

Written by American Organic Energy | October 15, 2015

American Organic Energy will be the proud recipient of an environmental award for Energy Leadership given by Energy Vision, whose mission is to “research, analyze and promote the technologies and strategies — viable today — required to transition toward a sustainable, low-carbon energy and transportation future.” American Organic Energy is being recognized as an environmental leader for the groundbreaking anaerobic digester project.

Founded in 2007, Energy Vision seeks out innovators who are changing the game in renewable energy and transportation solutions. By helping to shine a light on these industry pioneers, Energy Vision sparks productive dialogues that help to move the needle toward a more sustainable technological revolution.

American Organic Energy's anaerobic digester project (due to be completed in 2016) will transform 180,000 tons of food waste into renewable energy in the form of biogas, electricity, fertilizer, and nutrient-rich water and reduce 40,000 tons of greenhouse gases in the Long Island region. This sustainable facility will be the first of its kind in the world in its sophistication and will serve as a model for waste solutions going forward.

The award reception will take place on November 5, 2015 at the Ramscale Studio Penthouse overlooking the Hudson River. The event will celebrate nine years of Energy Vision's pioneering work, finding energy solutions for America. The award winners are all "companies who are turning this country's organic wastes into the cleanest, most carbon-free fuel to date." 

American Organic Energy is excited to be part of this exciting event and to be an instrumental part in changing the environmental landscape in New York and beyond.