Striking a Delicate Balance: Gardening, Organic Soil & Climate Change
Gardening, organic soil, and climate change directly affect each other. Understanding this symbiosis can help you improve your garden’s output and environmental impact.
Popular Documentaries Highlight the Importance of Healthy Soil
“Living Soil” and “Kiss the Ground” have drawn attention to healthy soil’s role in combating climate change.
Cost Comparison: Organic vs. Inorganic Soil
Though organic soil is generally a bit more pricey than its inorganic counterpart, the benefits derived from such an investment are worthwhile in cultivating a healthy environment for plants and produce to flourish.
Best Uses for Organic Soil
Organic soil has been proven a viable option for nurturing plants ranging from flowers to vegetables, and everything in between, providing needed nutrients to ensure these seedlings flourish.
Organic Soil vs. Compost
Though the terms are often used interchangeably, organic soil serves to support plant life, while compost is typically used to enrich the soil itself.
How Is Organic Soil Made?
Organic soil is crafted by perfecting a delicate balance of weathered rock, water, air, and decomposed organic matter to achieve optimal levels of drainage, aeration, and support for plant life.
What Is Organic Soil?
Organic soil is composed primarily of plant materials, and often amended with compost to ensure its nutrient levels are optimized to cultivate plant life.
Spotlight: Long Island Compost Soil Projects
Long Island Compost custom-engineered soil has been integral to projects throughout the New York metro area, from Brooklyn Bridge Park to Columbus Circle.
Benefits of Topdressing Your Lawn This Spring
Topdressing, the process of applying sand or a prepared soil mixture to the surface of a lawn, ideally during the growth seasons of spring and autumn, is designed to improve soil structure, promote root growth, and maintain the integrity of the drainage properties.
Green Roofs in Action: Spotlight on The Visionaire
Long Island Compost has designed custom soil mixes for numerous municipal and green roof projects in the Long Island and New York City area, among these, The Visionaire in Battery Park City—the first LEED Platinum-certified apartment building in The Big Apple.
Winter Wear: Maintaining Your Green Roof in Cold Weather
Green roofs require careful maintenance during winter months, including snow removal, re-caulking damaged seals, cleaning drains and gutters, and more.
How Green Roofs Help Conserve Energy During the Winter Months
Green roofs help to conserve substantial energy through natural insulation provided by custom soil mixtures and the plants that thrive in them, reducing heating costs during the winter months.
Charles Vigliotti: The Man Behind the Mission
Charles Vigliotti is the co-founder of American Organic Energy, an innovative company with a rich history as a leader in the compost industry. We learned about the man behind the mission and how he intends to change the way we process organic waste on a massive scale.