Charles Vigliotti Honored at CCE's Environmental Equinox Awards Gala
American Organic Energy's cutting edge anaerobic digester facility is expected to be completed in 2023.

Food Scraps Law Mandates NY Businesses Donate or Compost
As global food waste soars, local initiatives take effect to mitigate climate change and food insecurity in the New York metro area.

NYC Green Roof Growth Outlined for 2022
With the help of high school students in the new Youth Sustainability Corps, the NYC Parks Department plans to expand green roofs in 2022.

Striking a Delicate Balance: Gardening, Organic Soil & Climate Change
Gardening, organic soil, and climate change directly affect each other. Understanding this symbiosis can help you improve your garden’s output and environmental impact.

NYC Curbside Composting Makes a Comeback
After pausing during the coronavirus pandemic, New York City’s curbside composting program is set to return—yet hurdles remain.

Green Roofs & Solar Power: A Study in Efficiency
Green roofs may improve the efficiency of solar panels, thereby increasing energy production.

Popular Documentaries Highlight the Importance of Healthy Soil
“Living Soil” and “Kiss the Ground” have drawn attention to healthy soil’s role in combating climate change.

How to Cut Back on Food Waste in the Cafeteria
Common sense measures such as auditing meal programs, modifying menus, redistributing uneaten items, and composting and recycling leftovers can help reduce cafeteria food waste and lessen the impact of schools on the environment.

Custom Green Roofs Key to Combating Urban Heat Island
Green roofs are critical to combating the urban heat island effect, but they require custom designs to thrive. The New York City mayoral election may ultimately determine their proliferation in the metropolitan area.

New Global Food Waste Figures Underscore Need for Immediate Action
New data suggests global food waste is far greater than previous estimates, necessitating an urgent response to curb greenhouse gases.

NYC's Urban Soil Rich in Biodiversity
Soil is a valuable resource, but has long been mistreated in urban areas. New York City’s soil is rich in biodiversity that must be protected to preserve the environment and support local green spaces.

Green Roofs & Public Schools: A Post-COVID-19 Recovery Plan for NYC
Proposed legislation allocates funds for installing green roofs on public schools, which could be especially beneficial for New York sustainability efforts and educational opportunities following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supermarkets & Restaurant Industry Step Up Efforts to Address Food Waste
The food waste epidemic is wasting valuable resources and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Supermarkets and restaurants are stepping up their efforts to combat the problem by reducing waste.

Organic Soil Initiatives Combat Climate Change
While the effects of climate change often deplete valuable nutrients from the soil, organic initiatives can reintroduce carbon, and reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Quantifying the Effectiveness of Green Roofs in Urban Markets
While some property owners have voiced concerns about implementing green roofs, their overall effectiveness and profitability should ultimately outweigh drawbacks as long as steps are taken to maximize potential benefits.

NYC’s Proactive Role in Reducing Food Waste
New York City aims to fight hunger, reduce food waste, and combat global warming through new initiatives and laws.

Green Roof Development Soars in Cities
Green roof initiatives are taking foot in many cities around the world, as efforts to stem the effects of climate change rise to global prominence.

Collaboration Is Key to Cutting Food Waste
Joint efforts between key players in the farming, distribution, retail and consumer industries are imperative to tackle the growing issue of global food waste.

Climate Savings Outweighs Cost Factor in Green New Deal
The building requirements put forth by New York City Local Law 97 have ignited a heated debate between those proponents of sustainable solutions and NYC real estate developers concerned about the costs associated with implementing them.

Cool Weather Doesn't Spell the End of Organic Gardens in New York
Those in the New York metropolitan area may prolong the growing season by strategically mapping out their gardens and undertaking certain measures to preserve seeds and soil, and reap a harvest year-round.

Green Roofs & Grants: NYC Climate Mobilization in Action
The recent passage of the Climate Mobilization Act has set in motion a wave of eco-friendly initiatives designed to reduce New York City's carbon footprint by incentivizing the widespread implementation of green roofs.

Reducing Food Waste Key to Environmental Sustainability
Food waste has become a global emergency requiring a collaborative solution to effectively reinforce food security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

American Organic Energy CEO Charles Vigliotti Featured on 'Waste on Wednesdays'
American Organic Energy President and CEO Charles Vigliotti recently sat down to discuss the latest developments in the company's plan to break ground on a cutting-edge anaerobic digester by year's end.

Climate Change & Custom Soil
On the heels of the warmest summer on record, New York City is now classified as a subtropical climate zone, leading many gardeners to rethink the types of plants and soil best suited for the region.

Impact of COVID-19 on Green Roof Projects
Green roof projects have begun to get back underway, following a pause in new construction and development during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, as urban development continues to look to natural solutions for the future.

Going Green With Anaerobic Digestion
Anaerobic digestion may be a key weapon in the battle against climate change, as the world seeks green recovery protocols amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Green Roofs Integral to Green Recovery
Green roofs are major components of the nation's mission to achieve a sustainable future, as attention turns toward modeling urban landscapes to be more energy-efficient.

Charles Vigliotti Appears on 'Grow for Good™' Podcast
AOE CEO Charles Vigliotti recently sat down with Jed Morey on the latest installment of Morey Creative Studios' Grow for Good™ podcast to discuss American Organic Energy's mission to transform organic waste disposal in the New York metropolitan region through its cutting edge anaerobic digester project.

Pollinator Problems: Murder Hornets' Effect on Bees
Recent sightings of Asian giant hornets, aka ‘murder hornets,’ in the Pacific Northwest have led to renewed concerns about the decline of the honey bee population and viable pollinators for flowering plants and crops in the United States.

Maintaining Green Roof Projects During the Pandemic
Green roofs must be maintained year round, even during such a trying time as a worldwide pandemic, when special care should be taken to ensure irrigation systems are in working order.

Cut Down on Food Waste During COVID-19
Reducing organic food waste has become even more vital during the novel coronavirus pandemic, as disruptions in food supply has resulted in excess produce overrunning local landfills.

Organic Gardening in the Time of COVID-19
Organic gardening is undergoing something of a renaissance due to recent upheaval caused by the coronavirus pandemic, encouraging many to turn to growing their own fruits and vegetables.

Cost Comparison: Organic vs. Inorganic Soil
Though organic soil is generally a bit more pricey than its inorganic counterpart, the benefits derived from such an investment are worthwhile in cultivating a healthy environment for plants and produce to flourish.

Best Uses for Organic Soil
Organic soil has been proven a viable option for nurturing plants ranging from flowers to vegetables, and everything in between, providing needed nutrients to ensure these seedlings flourish.

Organic Soil Amendments, Defined
Amendments are intended to systematically improve the nutrient structure of organic soil by increasing its ability to hold oxygen, retain moisture, and provide adequate drainage.

Organic Soil vs. Compost
Though the terms are often used interchangeably, organic soil serves to support plant life, while compost is typically used to enrich the soil itself.

How Is Organic Soil Made?
Organic soil is crafted by perfecting a delicate balance of weathered rock, water, air, and decomposed organic matter to achieve optimal levels of drainage, aeration, and support for plant life.

What Is Organic Soil?
Organic soil is composed primarily of plant materials, and often amended with compost to ensure its nutrient levels are optimized to cultivate plant life.

Spotlight: Long Island Compost Soil Projects
Long Island Compost custom-engineered soil has been integral to projects throughout the New York metro area, from Brooklyn Bridge Park to Columbus Circle.

AOE's Anaerobic Digester Factors Into NYS Budget
New York's 2020 budget mandates the largest food waste generators recycle or donate, with American Organic Energy's anaerobic digester a prime destination.

Benefits of Topdressing Your Lawn This Spring
Topdressing, the process of applying sand or a prepared soil mixture to the surface of a lawn, ideally during the growth seasons of spring and autumn, is designed to improve soil structure, promote root growth, and maintain the integrity of the drainage properties.

LIPA Approves American Organic Energy Anaerobic Digester Facility
The Long Island Power Authority approved an $84 million contract to purchase power from American Organic Energy's proposed anaerobic digester, which will convert food waste into sustainable energy and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Green Roofs in Action: Spotlight on The Visionaire
Long Island Compost has designed custom soil mixes for numerous municipal and green roof projects in the Long Island and New York City area, among these, The Visionaire in Battery Park City—the first LEED Platinum-certified apartment building in The Big Apple.

Winter Wear: Maintaining Your Green Roof in Cold Weather
Green roofs require careful maintenance during winter months, including snow removal, re-caulking damaged seals, cleaning drains and gutters, and more.

How to Minimize Food Waste at Home
By making shopping lists, planning dinner menus, and understanding the shelf life of perishable items, we can each take steps to minimize food waste at home and help alleviate this growing global concern.

Wasted: Changing the World, One Head of Lettuce at a Time
American Organic Energy was recently recognized for its revolutionary initiatives in the anaerobic digestion industry in the landmark documentary, Wasted: The Story of Food Waste from executive producer Anthony Bourdain.

How Green Roofs Help Conserve Energy During the Winter Months
Green roofs help to conserve substantial energy through natural insulation provided by custom soil mixtures and the plants that thrive in them, reducing heating costs during the winter months.

Beyond the Dinner Table: Holiday Food Waste
Shopping smart, paying attention to food labels, making the most of leftovers and learning about the many benefits of anaerobic digestion are all ways to help reduce food waste, and even transform any scraps into a cleaner, healthier future for us all.

Charles Vigliotti: The Man Behind the Mission
Charles Vigliotti is the co-founder of American Organic Energy, an innovative company with a rich history as a leader in the compost industry. We learned about the man behind the mission and how he intends to change the way we process organic waste on a massive scale.

Buzzworthy: How Green Roofs Can Save Bees
Green roofs are an ideal solution to the steadily declining bee population, providing natural habitats replete with colorful flora for these all-important pollinators.

Global Annual Food Waste to Top 2.1B Tons by 2030, Warns Report
A recent study by Boston Consulting Group foretells of a worldwide 'food waste disaster' with global implications, underscoring the critical importance of utilizing anaerobic digester facilities, such as American Organic Energy, to process organic waste and divert food scraps from landfills.

New York State DEC Announces $4M in Food Waste Recycling Grants
Grant funding will help facilitate and expand the state's diversion of food waste from restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals and colleges to food banks, organics recycling centers and anaerobic digestion facilities, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, feed the hungry, and protect the environment.

American Organic Energy CEO Charles Vigliotti Recognized for ‘Environmental Leadership’
American Organic Energy CEO Charles Vigliotti recently won the prestigious 2018 Smart Growth Awards 'Environmental Leadership' prize at Vision Long Island's annual ceremony recognizing eco-friendly innovators.

Aim for the Green: Compost & Renewables Revolutionize Golf Courses
Topdressing golf courses with eco-friendly compost, engineered soil and all-natural fertilizer holds significant benefits, including helping to prevent soil and grass degradation, improve fertility, and safeguard against turf diseases.

AOE Begins Onboarding Partners to its Anaerobic Digester Project
Partnering with American Organic Energy and its anaerobic digester helps reduce food waste, prevent harmful greenhouse gases, and safeguard our collective futures, overall.

Battling Climate Change, One Green Roof at a Time
Green roofs utilizing custom-designed soil are effective weapons in the war against climate change, air and water pollution, and escalating energy costs.

Studies Highlight Significant Carbon Reductions & Eco-Friendly Transport Fuel Creation via Anaerobic Digestion
U.S. Department of Energy case studies exploring the production of renewable natural gas via anaerobic digestion to power transportation fleets project a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, among other environmentally friendly benefits.

Anaerobic Digestion Gaining Popularity & Steam
From U.S.-based grocery giant Kroger to England's Royal Family, more and more companies and countries are adopting the eco-friendly, energy-efficient methodology of anaerobic digestion.

American Organic Energy CEO Charles Vigliotti Recognized as 'Global Game Changer'
Prestigious award from global nonprofit Biogas Academy honors American Organic Energy CEO Charles Vigliotti as environmental visionary transforming the world through anaerobic digestion biogas technology.

Anaerobic Digestion, Explained
Anaerobic digestion is a series of biological reactions whereby microorganisms break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen, with biogas its chief result.

Topdressing Golf Courses with Rich Compost
Superintendents are rediscovering the lost art of non-chemical course maintenance.

NYLCV Puts Food Recycling and Recovery Act at Top of 2018 Agenda
This Act is intended to align New York State with the existing food recovery initiatives in New York City and facilitate the expansion and construction of collection facilities throughout the state.

NYC Green Roof Design: Getting it Right the First Time
The green roof trend is officially upon us, and there is no shortage of aesthetically beautiful examples popping up around the world.

Powerful New Doc Highlights How Food Waste Contributes to Climate Change
Natural disasters have ignited provocative discussions on climate change. A new film explores how food waste is directly related to changes in the atmosphere.

What’s Driving the Green Roof Trend?
While green roofs are indeed a more recent trend, the environmental philosophy behind them is by no means a new idea.

‘America Recycles Day’ Celebrates Eco-friendly Economic Impacts of ‘Reduce, Reuse & Recycle’
November 15th is America Recycles Day and celebrates the countless positive impacts of eco-friendly recycling processes, such as anaerobic digestion.

New Global Analysis Highlights Impacts of ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ on Waste Management & Recycling Industry
The Fourth Industrial Revolution will significantly impact waste management, says a report released in conjunction with the Wastecon/ISWA World Congress 2017.

AOE & Other Anaerobic Digester Facilities Protect Environment By Transforming Organic Waste Into Fertilizer & Clean Energy
One way to convert organic waste into renewable energy is through anaerobic digestion. One company doing just that is American Organic Energy.

Proposal to Expand NYC Organic Waste Collection Program Would Divert 50K More Tons of Food Waste Annually to Renewable Energy Facilities
A NYC Sanitation proposal to expand organic waste collection to more commercial food establishments would divert an additional 50K tons of food waste annually.

NY Times Highlights NYC’s Ever-Growing Organic Waste Program
A pilot program, initially launched in parts of Brooklyn and Queens, aims for a 90 percent or more commercial waste reduction by 2030.

NY Times Magazine Features American Organic Energy's Charles Vigliotti
New York Times Magazine offers a comprehensive profile of AOE’s chief Executive Charles Vigliotti in “The Compost King of New York.”

American Organic Energy to Play Role in Proposed NY Commercial Organics Plan
American Organic Energy is poised to play a major role in New York State’s newly proposed commercial organic recycling requirement.

DEC Approves Construction of Landmark Facility in Yaphank
The New York State DEC has approved American Organic Energy’s permit to construct an innovative solid waste management facility at its Yaphank location.

Queens Courier Reports Brooklyn's Organic Waste to be Processed by American Organic Energy
The city will collect organic waste in Brooklyn and parts of Queens and transport it to American Organic Energy’s anaerobic digester facility in Yaphank.

Citizens Budget Commission Cites Proposed Yaphank Facility as Key in Solving for Organic Waste Disposal Challenges in NY Region
The Citizens Budget Commission issued a report outlining areas of improvement in waste management and recommended steps toward rectifying these challenges.

Louis Perry Group to Provide Engineering Services for AOE's Anaerobic Digester Facility
American Organic Energy announced today that it has solidified its core engineering team to construct its anaerobic digester facility.

American Organic Energy Proud to Attend CCE's Environmental Equinox Awards Gala
American Organic Energy was thrilled to take part in the annual Citizens Campaign for the Environment Environmental Equinox Awards Gala gala.

Brookhaven National Lab Visits American Organic Energy Site
Charles and Arnold Vigliotti, co-founders of American Organic Energy, gave a tour of Yaphank facility to employees of Brookhaven National Lab.

Long Island Compost Gets Approval Status from the Organic Materials Review Institute
Long Island Compost, Long Island’s leading provider of organic materials and products, has been reviewed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI).

Innovate LI on American Organic Energy’s Forthcoming Anaerobic Digester
Innovate LI calls American Organic Energy’s forthcoming anaerobic digester “one of New York State’s most innovative and ambitious sustainable-energy projects.”

American Organic Energy Chooses GE Water as Technology Provider
American Organic Energy chooses GE Water as its technology provider on the road to transforming Long Island food waste processing and becoming a sustainable leader.

American Organic Energy, Other Sustainability Projects Praised in Local Pub
American Organic Energy's proposed anaerobic digester facility praised as key infrastructure project for sustainability on Long Island.

American Organic Energy to Receive Energy Leadership Award
American Organic Energy is set to receive the Energy Leadership Award.

American Organic Energy’s Anaerobic Digester Praised By Environmentalists, Local & State Officials
Charles Vigliotti, president and founder of American Organic Energy, is known as an environmental champion for sustainable energy here on Long Island.

Newsday Coverage of AOE Anaerobic Digester
Newsday’s Mark Harrington reported that Long Island Compost and American Organic Energy are “taking the next steps” toward modernizing LI Compost’s facility.

Politico’s David Giambusso Interviews American Organic Energy President Charles Vigliotti
Politico released a comprehensive article on the proposed anaerobic digester to be constructed by American Organic Energy in Yaphank, Long Island.

Governor Cuomo Announces Support of Long Island Anaerobic Digester Initiative
Governor Cuomo announced support for plans to erect an anaerobic digester that will revamp Long Island’s outdated and unsustainable food waste system.

New York: Making Strides in Converting Organic Waste to Renewable Natural Gas
As a pioneer in converting organic waste to renewable natural gas, the metro area is primed to continue its leadership the development of biogas.

Charles Vigliotti Speaks at Energy Vision Conference [Video]
Charles Vigliotti led a discussion on the ways American Organic Energy is revolutionizing food waste disposal on Long Island.

Charles Vigliotti, President of American Organic Energy, Discusses “The Power of Waste”
American Organic Energy President Charles Vigliotti discussed the ways in which AOE is revolutionizing food waste disposal on Long Island.

Citizens Campaign for the Environment Supports American Organic Energy
Building an anaerobic digester on Long Island is a critical component to a successful Long Island solid waste management plan.